The Reinke name is synonymous with center pivots. Our design and materials add up to a system that is lighter weight, more efficient and longer-lasting than comparable systems.
First introduced by Reinke in 1968, the Electrogator became the world’s first reversible, electric-gear-drive center pivot irrigation system. Many people may not know that the original Electrogators were designed and equipped with an angle iron, double leg tower similar to what is seen on competitive machines today. In 1975 our engineers found a better way and changed our tower design to incorporate a single channel leg design.
Electrogator II ™
With the recent introduction of the Electrogator II we have further improved our tower design by building our single leg tower from roll-formed material creating a "C" channel leg that improves leg strength by an additional 21 percent.
A Reinke system also includes longer lasting field components like :
- Internal flex joint - better flexibility to reduce the need for repairs
- High strength steel - lighter and stronger for reduced wheel tracking and better durability
- V-ring pipe flange seal - never needs to be replaced
- Double wall tower box with a mechanical interlock system - safer and more reliable than anything else on the market
- Control Panels made of aluminum, rather than rust-prone steel
In 1973, Reinke introduced the Alumigator, the world’s first and only all-aluminum center pivot (pivot center and truss rods are still made with high-strength steel). The Alumigator’s many advantages include: the widest wheelbase in the industry (16 feet), corrosion resistant aluminum pipe and flexibility of span design.
Reinke also offers systems with six-and eight-inch aluminium pipeline and galvanized steel undertrussing. This combination provides corrosion-resistance and a lighter alternative to an all-steel system.
The Alumigator’s strong yet lightweight all-aluminium construction makes it the perfect choice for sod farms and fields with difficult soil types. The high strength, corrosion resistant aluminium also makes the Alumigator a good choice for most wastewater projects.